
A great product for all your authentic milk sweets. Made from pure milk gives you that creamy texture and milky aroma. Widely supplied to all Institutions such as sweet makers, exporters, etc.

Milk Kova is a dairy product widely used in Indian, made of either dried whole milk or milk thickened by heating in an open iron pan. It is similar to ricotta cheese, but lower in moisture and made from whole milk.

SNP Milk Kova is pure, granular, and one of the best in quality with no adulteration. It is a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Calcium, and riboflavin. Kova also known as Mava, has a special place in both savory and sweet recipes in India.

General Informations

Available in 50gm, 100gm, 250gm
Energy 46k calories/100gm
Suitable For Kova is popular product though out India and is called by differents Names in different Regions like Khoya, Mawa, Kova, Palghove etc.


Nutritional Information
[100ml contains approx.] Standards of Kova
Total solids 69.07 gm
Proteins 19.10 gm
Carbohdrates 4.50 gm
Sodium 42 mg
Calcium 117 mg
Compositions %
Kova fat 22.0 KCal
Moisture 30.93 Vol